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Today’s New Moon Solar Eclipse Means Major Shifts in Consciousness
Welcome to a new cycle of life spurred by today’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces. We’re receiving massive upgrades to our DNA. If you haven’t felt quite right lately and don’t know why, there’s your answer. With these upgrades come the falling away of things that no longer serve our best interest. So if you’ve been feeling the call to let go of a certain job, relationship, habit, mode of thinking, or any material possessions, let them go now with love. Otherwise if you let the process drag out it will be extremely painful for everyone involved. Clinging to your comfort zone will get you nowhere in the new paradigm. You have to be ready to shed everything and leave comfort behind with no fear of the discomfort that it could bring. On the other side of discomfort is profound healing at the deepest level. You never even knew this type of healing was possible in this lifetime. But, there’s a part of you that remembers who you are.
Our throat and sacral chakras are involved with these DNA upgrades. They are inextricably linked as blue, the color for the throat chakra, and orange, the color for the sacral chakra, are complimentary colors in color theory. The human connection comes from giving voice to our desires. Where in the past, our early childhood experiences, punishment in childhood and adolescence, and employability monitoring…